ISO - Übersetzung nach französisch

ISO - Übersetzung nach französisch

Iso-; Iso (disambiguation); Iso

Iso, International Organization for Standardization, organization that develops international standards for production and quality
Iso, International Organization for Standardization


International Standards Organisation [Additional explanations: International Organization for Standardization] (Reference: org.)


ISO (disambiguation)

ISO is the most common abbreviation for the International Organization for Standardization.

ISO or Iso may also refer to:

Aussprachebeispiele für ISO
1. What's shutter speed, ISO?
Wildlife Photography _ Andy Biggs _ Talks at Google
2. speed and ISO.
Photography Through the Lens _ Tamara Lackey _ Talks at Google
3. of shutter speed than ISO.
Photographs from the Edge _ Art Wolfe _ Talks at Google
4. you shoot that ISO 800?
Photography _ Thomas Hawk _ Talks at Google
5. between these global ISO standards,
Human Centric Technologies Impact _ Frances West _ Talks at Google
Beispiele aus Textkorpus für ISO
1. Son laboratoire asiatique est certifié ISO '001: 2000 et ISO 13485: 2003.
2. Cette certification s‘appuie sur la norme 27001 de l‘Organisation internationale de normalisation (ISO), une cousine des normes de gestion de la qualité ISO '001 ou de sécurité environnementale ISO 14001.
3. Iso Camartin: Ce vote montre surtout que les choses bougent.
4. Certification ISO '001 pour la qualité et celle ISO 14001 pour lenvironnement délivrées par DQS, société de certification de syst';mes de management allemande.
5. A. le certificat de syst';me de management de la qualité, ISO '001/2000.